Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Response to Rubina Hanim Review of Salt Lake County Republican Party

The Review
No, vote values and platform, not a party that has gone awry. I am so disappointed in this party. You have crossed lines that should never have been crossed. You remain silent and make life for other Americans an absolute hell. How dare you think you are in any way shape or form better, more intelligent, or informed. You are liars. You support racist nazi ideas that undermine any moral or ethics boundary. You remain silent and complicity so. You allow people in your party to run your races that are horrible human beings. You want authoritarian government that hurts and humiliated others. Your party made a mockery of republican values or generative beliefs. You cannot be Christian and Republican in this time. You broke oaths and constitutional rights for others. You support hatred and discord. You support violence and death. You support separation of families and don’t care until you hurt. It’s dreadfully shameful this is who and what you are. I hope you die a slow and painful death you dying breed of inbred aholes.

My Response
It is good advice to support and vote for individuals who believe in abiding by and voting in accordance with their values, principles, promises and the platform. Nearly half of Republicans in Congress began with good intentions only to fall into lock-step with the “good-ole-boy” Progressive, Establishment Elite Republican leadership.

When so many good people and solid Republicans get elected to federal office, it isn’t long before the system teaches them Washington rules, that they must bend to the will of the leadership or be effectively banished from the halls of power and influence. With time, Washington officials become more responsive to lobbyists than to their constituents. So, yes, the party has gone awry. Although I’m uncertain as to exactly in which century that occurred. Contrary to popular belief there is more than one man fighting corruption in the Party. There are many Republicans who are disappointed with how things have been going and are good and honest people working very hard to set things right. Rather than just being critical of what we need to change, why not join us in reforming the Party?

For much of the remainder of your comments, you seem to be disoriented, ascribing to Republicans what precisely describes Democrats. A few notes. The Democrats are the party of emotions, primarily anxiety, fear and hate. Democrats and the media are famous for providing “fake news” to substantiate their fear and hatred—real facts can only destroy their narrative, so looking into the truth is discouraged.  

Republicans are the party of logic, reason and actual facts, and these brain-tools are routinely used to support a strong belief in principles and policies consistent with the Constitution. Democrats hear Fake News talking points and store them in a remote location; when activated, circuits carry impulses from the remote location directly and repeatedly to the mouth without a trace of brain electrical activity. Republicans study the issues and adhere to the principles upon which correct solutions are based. So, yes! In regard to politics, Republicans make better use of their intellect, they have a greater fund of knowledge, they are more familiar with the truth and they are, by far, better informed!

When it comes to lies, nearly all politicians become expert liars over time. It’s my observation that congressional Republicans lie about half the time, while congressional Democrats lie almost all the time. I think it is a major disgrace and an insult to our country, and each time one of them lies, the Sergeant at Arms should fine them $1000, suspend them from Congress for a month or slap them upside the head.

When you suggest that one party supports racist, Nazi ideas, I assume you’re talking about the Democrats who vigorously support and fund with taxpayer monies the killing of live human beings both before and after birth. It was an odious Nazi practice to cull from society those with mental or physical abnormalities, to purge and purify the genetic pool of the German people to develop a race of German supermen. For myself, I don’t remain silent in the face of evil such as this, nor do most of my Republican colleagues.

In the case of illegal immigrants where many of the children are unaccompanied or are accompanied by adults that could be human traffickers, children are, of course, separated from the adults for their own protection. Parents who place their children in harm’s way through illegal immigration know that they stand to be separated from family members and suffer other consequences because of their outlaw status, are not fit to be parents. Likewise, Americans who place their children in dangerous situations or involve them in criminal ventures are subject to having their children removed from the home and the parent’s influence. Separation in these instances is for the protection of the children.

Republicans believe in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, freedom, and in our Constitutional Republic where government power and authority comes from the people—the government is accountable to the people, and that’s the opposite of authoritarian. It’s the Democrats/Socialists who want to drag America into an authoritarian state. It is not Republicans who practice demonization, humiliation and character assassination—again, that’s right out of the Democrat playbook! Republicans are not the party that makes war on Christianity. It is the Godless Democrats that have chosen to be free of any moral creed and whose principles can be described as “The end justifies the means,” and “Do unto others before they do unto you.”

In the normal course of the 2016 Presidential Election, Trump was duly elected and became the President of the United States. Poor loser Democrats cannot accept this so they hate Trump and make up lies about him like the Russian collusion fantasy. The source of the hatred and discord? The Democrats who are attempting a coup d’etat to overthrow President Trump, burn the Constitution and establish a socialist authoritarian state. It is a major shame and disgrace that the Democrats have fallen so low that they are conspiring to undermine the Constitution and destroy our Republic. Do you stand with these traitors or against them?

(Disclaimer: The views expressed above are solely the opinions of the author and are not necessarily those of Salt Lake County Republican Party or any other organization.)

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