Monday, October 15, 2018

Lies & Pecadillos: What’s Wrong With the Christine Blasey Ford Story – Part Two 

 The Democrats and the mainstream media called Dr. Christine Blasey Ford "courageous" for providing to the Senate Committee what appeared to be her emotion-laden testimony that Judge Brett Kavanaugh, President Trump’s nomination to fill the Supreme Court seat vacated by the retiring Justice Anthony Kennedy, had sexually assaulted her 36 years prior while they were both in high school. Many who observed Dr. Ford’s testimony felt that she was believable as far as having experienced something bad in her life.

However, there is no consensus as to whether Judge Kavanaugh was the one involved in this incident. Ford’s testimony, aside from its multiple inconsistencies and a complete lack of any evidence or corroboration, displayed alarming physical signs suggesting that her intentions were to deceive. Her performance at the hearing was calculated, pre-planned and practiced in an attempt to evoke sympathy and belief in her unsubstantiated story.

One minute Ford was hunched over, making herself small and speaking in a whiny, cracking and shaky voice as if she was emotionally distraught, and the next moment she was smiling coyly and responding in a “little girl” voice with an upturn in the final word of a sentence, like asking a question. All of this was contrived to make her seem like a small child, insecure, vulnerable and innocent. When Ford discussed the incident in question, along with the phony, cracking voice, she put on a facial expression of emotional pain; her whole demeanor was one of emotional distress and crying. However, throughout the hearing, not a single tear was shed! This suggests that the display of emotion was not genuine.

Some have suggested that the signs of deception displayed during Ford’s testimony might have been influenced by the fact that she was testifying before a Senate Committee and the TV cameras. But if you’ll remember, much of her career has been spent as a consultant, testifying before Boards and Committees. More recently Ford has been a Professor of Psychology at Palo Alto University, and ultra-Left school that specializes in empowering women and girls to become confidant, dynamic and powerful in carrying out action to further the Left’s agenda, where Ford teaches large classes of students. While Ford’s performance in the hearing was designed to convince observers otherwise, she is completely comfortable and always in control when she’s in her element, in a conference room or classroom and the center of attention.

Excuses were given why Ford was unable to travel to Washington to testify before the Senate, such as fear of flying, claustrophobia, and fear of testifying before the Committee were all delay tactics. The only thing that Ford fears is the lie being discovered. When I think about Ford trembling with fear of going before the Committee, I’m reminded of the Disney classic where Brer’ Rabbit pleads with his captors, “Please don’t throw me in that briar patch!”

I don't know how much money, fame, and celebrity Ford has been promised and also whether she is hoping to “make a difference” for other women who have made such accusations (collective justice). But something has induced her to put Kavanaugh in the center of this smear campaign, along with the coaxing of her entire support team of the worst of Democrat Hacks, Lawyers and Senators determined to block any Trump nominee to the Supreme Court and undermine the constitutional process of advise and consent.

As Senator Ted Cruz said recently commenting on the hearing, the Democrats are blocking the Kavanaugh appointment so the Supreme Court doesn’t have a conservative majority, so the Democrats can take over the House and Senate, so they can impeach President Trump and proceed to reverse the outcome of the presidential election of 2016.

The Democrats are not just destroying an innocent man and his family, they are not just destroying their own credibility, they are destroying the institutions fundamental to the survival of our constitutional government and to the rule of law under that constitution. The Constitution provides the process for electing a President, a process in place for over 200 years, one that leads to the peaceful transition of presidential power to the new President.

In our Democratic Republic, many voters support candidates that don’t win an election and are disappointed that their choices for President or other offices lost. Part of what has made this form of government work in the United States is that the losing side will suck it up and commit to working harder over the next 4 years in an attempt to win the next presidential or other election. Likewise, the Constitution provides an orderly and dignified process for the duly elected President to nominate a new Justice and for the Senate to determine how to advise the President on this and to consider carefully whether to consent to the appointment.

When Donald Trump was elected President, the Democrats started having an interminable mega-tantrum (as the immature and poor losers they are) and flew into a rage, spewing hatred and venom. There was and continues to be much weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth, pulling their hair out by the roots and constantly kicking the family dog. They manufactured false “evidence” of Trump Campaign collusion with the Russians who were said to have dirt on Hillary Clinton that the Trump Campaign might have used to gain an advantage with the voters—in fact, none of this occurred. The Russians did not reveal any dirt on Hillary and the Trump Campaign refused to spread any disinformation about Hillary, including any information alleged to have originated with the Russians or with anyone else for that matter.

Shortly prior to the completion of President Obama’s second term in office and to the 2016 Presidential Election, a time when the people had recently elected a Republican majority to the Senate, the people let the Senate know that they wanted to rollback most of Obama’s efforts to bring about “a fundamental transformation” of the United States that was necessary to accomplish Obama’s ultimate goal, to “Make America Worse Again (MAWA).” You’ve undoubtedly seen the characteristic blue baseball caps with the MAWA insignia, perhaps many, many times over the recent 8 years Obama was President.

Subsequently, in November of 2016, Donald Trump was elected President and Hillary Clinton was not, confirming the fact that the American people wanted a real change of direction for the country which included the appointment of conservative justices to the Supreme Court (Trump had campaigned heavily on the promise to appoint such conservative justices if elected and the opportunity arose). As the totally bogus accusations and subsequent Mueller investigation of alleged Trump collusion with Russia to interfere with our elections, goes on forever “To infinity and beyond,” one of the few things we’ve learned from this is there was never any collusion, at least as far as the Trump Campaign was concerned.

On the other hand, we have Hillary and the DNC paying millions of dollars for disgraced and seedy ex-spy Christopher Steele (through Fusion-GPS) to collect unsubstantiated dirt on Trump from the Russians. Hillary and the DNC colluded with the Russians through the Steele Dossier, and then colluded with the FBI and DOJ to use the Steele Dossier to facilitate the Mueller investigation and to obtain a FISA court writ allowing warrantless search and seizure of Americans on American soil, Americans who were in any way connected with the Trump campaign or later, the Trump Whitehouse.

When Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia passed away unexpectedly a matter of weeks prior to the 2016 Presidential Election, President Obama nominated Merrick Garland as his pick for the next Supreme Court Justice. The Democrats were thrilled with the prospect of getting another leftist-leaning activist Justice on the Court to uphold such precedents as Roe v. Wade and to continually reimagine the Constitution in light of the prevailing leftist winds of the moment.

When Obamacare was passed by a Democrat majority in both the House and Senate along with a Democrat President but without a single Republican vote, Obama reminded disgruntled Republicans that “Elections have consequences.” The Republican majority in the Senate returned Obama’s words back to him as they declined to consider Obama’s nominee, Garland, for advise and consent. It was felt that the country had turned away from the Democrats’ policies, and now favored the Republican approach. With Obama’s “Lame-Duck” status, the changed mood of the country and a new Senate majority, the Senate elected not to consider Garland but to await the outcome of the Presidential Election to let whoever it was that won make that nomination. It is totally the prerogative of the Senate to consider or to decline to consider any nominee.

I’m sorry for the Democrats missing out on a chance to take the Court further away from the Constitution, but that’s the way it goes down according to the Constitution. In fact, all Supreme Court Justices, members of Congress, the President and many others in the government are required to swear an oath to uphold, support and protect the Constitution as the Highest Law of the Land. The Constitution does not provide for any Justices to be placed on the Court who will not live by that oath. Indeed, if we were truly following the Constitution today, there would be 9 conservative Justices seated on the Court (“conservative” means those who want to conserve, preserve, restore, and maintain the Constitution as the Highest Law of the Land).

Further, despite the Democrats’ feigned complete support for women, there is no sacrifice of women that the Democrats are not fully prepared to make in advancing their cause. Senator Feinstein had received Dr. Ford’s letter more than six weeks prior to the Kavanaugh Confirmation hearings. In that letter, Ford was clear about her wishes that the contents of the letter be released to the Senate Judicial Committee so they could halt Kavanaugh’s being named to SCOTUS.

At the same time, Ford was adamant that her name remain strictly confidential. Feinstein should have honored Ford’s request and immediately released the contents of Ford’s letter to the Senate Committee so that privately the parties could have been interviewed, the allegations investigated by the FBI, and any evidence or corroboration determined, all without revealing the accuser’s name, as she had requested. If Ford were, in fact, a victim of some untoward act or attack in the past, the refusal to grant her wishes of distributing the letter content but keeping her name confidential could have easily caused further emotional and mental distress.

The entire process could have been completed well before the official hearings with plenty of time to debate and commit further study to the issue as needed. But Feinstein’s office leaked the letter along with Ford’s name (Feinstein’s staff would not have forwarded the letter to any media outlet without at least Feinstein’s tacit agreement) to the media well after the Kavanaugh Confirmation hearings had been completed. In an eleventh hour effort to block Kavanaugh’s appointment, Ford’s confidentiality was sacrificed, without her consent, for the “good” of the Democrat Party.

There is widespread hatred among Democrats for President Trump, based on the mistaken belief, fostered and amplified by the lies of opportunistic Democrats and the Fake News Media, that Trump had conspired with Russia to fix the 2016 presidential election. Having never accepted Hillary Clinton’s defeat by Donald Trump, to this day Democrats have the fantasy that they can reverse the election outcome, place Hillary as President and allow her to trample the Constitution in the creation of an authoritarian socialist state.

Points of interest on the Democrats’ way to subverting the Constitution and destroying the country include preventing Trump from appointing constitutionalists to the Supreme Court or impeaching any such Justices once they’re confirmed to the Court, taking back majority rule of the House and the Senate, impeaching Trump and reversing the 2016 election. The Democrats have sworn to do whatever it takes to win this war, whether it means that they assassinate the character of a good man and an outstanding judge, destroy the process for the Senate providing advise and consent on the President’s nominations, throw any number of women under the bus, or stage a coup that sets up a Marxist government it is of little consequence if the Democrat agenda is advanced.

In the case of Judge Kavanaugh, the Democrats committed to seeking out women who would agree, for a price, to falsely make sexual misconduct claims against Kavanaugh in order to remove him from the possibility of joining the Court. They have descended into the depths of criminal wrong-doing in suborning perjury of these women who have sworn false testimony against Kavanaugh to undermine due processes of our government in violation of the Constitution, all for their own vile and selfish purposes.

To win for themselves power and control over the people, the Democrats, Dr. Ford and her rabid supporters are also destroying what is left of credibility for any future "Me-Too" victims, now that, as a nation, we’ve explored at least in part the devastation of false accusations. We can no longer make the mistake of giving unmerited, full credence to any woman making a Me-Too allegation. In the Democrat alternative universe, no sacrifice of others (including traditional Democrat constituencies like minorities and women) is too great in the service of the Democrat Party. Is it a coincidence that Communists and Democrats share the same philosophy: “The End Justifies the Means?” If necessary, the Democrats will proceed over anyone's dead body to carry out their agenda.

After the Senate Committee had evaluated the evidence and the affidavits of potential witnesses, the Democrats predictably complained that the allegations had not been fully investigated by professionals and demanded a one week further delay of the Senate vote on Kavanaugh for the FBI to complete their work and tie up loose ends of the investigation. To be certain nothing had been overlooked and that the Republicans did not appear to be obstructing a thorough confirmation process, an additional week was granted for the extended FBI investigation.  

Once this investigation was completed and the FBI report was read by the entire Senate, no new information was available and no allegation was accompanied by any substantiating evidence or corroboration. The Democrats were livid that, in their opinion, the scope of the FBI investigation had been too restrictive and they demanded more time for the investigation. Republicans felt strongly that if the Democrats needed more time for what they considered a proper investigation, they should use some of the 60 wasted days during which Feinstein had willfully hidden Ford’s letter from the Committee before it was leaked to the media.

Senator McConnell set up voting for the whole Senate on the confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh, the Senate voted in favor of confirming Kavanaugh and he was sworn in as a Supreme Court Justice. Justice Kavanaugh will take his seat on the Supreme Court the week of 10-15-2018.

The Democrats, driven by their anger and rage at having their champion, the elite Hillary Clinton, beaten for the presidency by a rank amateur (and a man!) have forsaken their humanity and have been consumed by their hatred. Many Democrats are dedicated to taking back the House and the Senate so they can impeach President Trump. They also wish to impeach Justice Kavanaugh. Ultimately, the Democrat goal is to reverse the 2016 Presidential Election and appoint Hillary our new President.
 What this means is that the Democrats have stepped over the line one too many times. This time we are talking about Democrats in the House, Senate, Administration or other government office violating their oath of office, attempting to sabotage a presidential nomination by lying and completely making everything up out of thin air. By doing this, they are subverting the Constitution and seeking to destroy all that is good about our country. 

Attacking the processes of the government, under the Constitution is to attack the Constitution and other foundations of our government. If these criminals are not hunted down, captured, charged with their crimes, prosecuted and punished appropriately in measure with the criminal act, the next time they feel they must disrupt a proceeding, they will be ten times worse and apply intimidation, threats, and violence to get their way.

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